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Play! Hoboken


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Lorcana Valentine’s Pack Rush

Play! Hoboken 1012 Grand St, FL3, Hoboken

What? Pack Rush 3 Rounds Best of 2 Matches When? 2/15 @ 11 am Who? First 8 to RSVP Cost? Free! How? 1. Each round each player receives two unopened Disney Lorcana booster packs. 2. Open booster packs and set aside the marketing/puzzle cards. 3. Shuffle all the remaining cards together, no Ink Restrictions. 4. Set lore trackers to 0 and determine first player. 5. Draw 5 cards for starting hand. 6. Each player uses 2 marketing/puzzle cards for their starting Inkwell. 7. The first player to reach 15 lore or more wins the game. 8. If a player would draw but there are no cards in the deck, shuffle the discard and place it facedown as the new deck. Prizes? 1 pack per match win Other Info? Event starts at 11 am, arrive earlier to ensure ability to play (doors open 8 am).  At 11:01 an RSVP may be replaced by a waitlist or walk-in player.
