MtG: March of the Machine Prerelease Pay $5 now and $30 at the door for each event. First 16 sign ups for each event get a bonus prize pack at the event. Win 1 set pack per win (Two Headed Giant teams earn 1 pack per team member per win). Each event is expected to be 4 rounds. Sign up for three events to get an additional bonus prize pack, sign up four events gets two additional bonus prize packs. Players can only receive one door prize at each event. Each player that attends an event will get one raffle ticket. At the end of the Sunday event we will have a drawing, the winner will receive the Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2005—Chord of Calling ( printed in Portuguese). Friday - 4/14- 6 pm - $5 + $30 Sealed Deck Format Door Prizes: 2 Gamegenic 400+ Cards' Lairs, 2 Gamegenic 100+ Watchtower XLs, 2 Gamegenic Sidekicks, 5 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2004—Eternal Witness, and 2 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2006—Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Saturday - 4/15- 10 am - $5 + $30 Sealed Deck Format Door Prizes: 2 Gamegenic 400+ Cards' Lairs, 2 Gamegenic 100+ Watchtower XLs, 2 Gamegenic Sidekicks, 5 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2004—Eternal Witness, and 2 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2006—Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind. Saturday - 4/15- 5 pm - $5 + $30 Sealed Deck Format Door Prizes: 2 Gamegenic 400+ Cards' Lairs, 2 Gamegenic 100+ Watchtower XLs, 2 Gamegenic Sidekicks, 5 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2004—Eternal Witness, and 2 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2006—Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Sunday - 4/16- 2 pm - $5 + $30 Two Headed Giant Sealed Deck Format Door Prizes: 2 Gamegenic 100+ Watchtower XLs, 2 Gamegenic Sidekicks, and 4 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2004—Eternal Witness, and 2 Magic 30th Anniversary Promo, 2006—Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind MtG: March of the Machine Preorders During Prerelease Weekend players can purchase sealed magic product. Preorder by April 9th to get a bonus set booster pack (our choice) per item at pick up. The first 24 players to preorder Draft, Set, or Collector Booster Boxes receive a March of the Machine Buy-A-Box Promo for each box purchased. All other preorders receive promo cards from past events instead. Draft Booster Box - $5 + $119.99 each Set Booster Box - $5 + $129.99 each Collector Booster Box - $5 + $239.99 each Collector Booster Pack - $5 + $29.99 each Commander Deck - $5 + $49.99 each Bundle - $5 + $49.99 each No refunds, transfers, or reschedules.